Tiger Cubs Soccer School

Welcome to BAFC Tiger Cubs Soccer School, fun football training for the under 6's

Soccer School resumes on Saturday 5th January 10 am at the old pool site (Manor Road). Spaces now available for new recruits!

Our dedicated soccer school caters for kids aged 4 and upwards, with a fun and friendly introduction to some of the basic elements of the game. A relaxed environment and family friendly atmosphere are key to the success of our soccer school and when Gaffa The Jaffa drops in to say hello everybody is sure to have a good time.


 Soccer School Manager: Victoria Sillett

 Coaches: Adrian Chambers, Fran Bateman, Jason Ball
Assistant Coaches: Gary Clark, Lily Hamp, Sarah Jessiman
Students: Ben Eagles, Connor Andrews, Tom Chambers

Soccer School (Tiger Cubs) takes place on a Saturday morning 10-11am. Run by qualified FA coaches, assistant coaches and students (GCSE, College and Duke of Edinburgh) the Tiger Cubs will develop their physical skills (agility, balance, coordination and speed), enhance their social skills, start to develop their team playing skills, learn the basic rules of football and above all have fun!

Soccer school costs £3 per session ‘pay as you play’. Soccer school shirts and jackets are available to purchase separately, along with BAFC bobble hats. 

Look out for Gaffa the Jaffa, our Club Mascot, who often makes an appearance which is always a hit with the kids!

Hot drinks and sweet treats are available on the sideline for the grown ups for a small donation. 

Please note, Soccer School is now full.

To add your child’s name to the waiting list please email soccerschool@brackleyathletic.co.uk 

If you are interested in coaching, or helping out at Soccer School in any way, please email us using the address above.

Meet Gaffa the Jaffa!

See the Tiger Cubs in action

Photo gallery

Start them young, ask about places in our Soccer School

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